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The Path of the Householder

DALL·E 2024-12-10 14.50.47 - A conceptual artwork representing the sacred in the mundane.

We long for soul deepening, graceful experiences that remind us we are vast and expansive beings...
We long to raise our kids, eat our meals as a family, help others in need, find meaning in our work, act upon wrongs in the world, enjoy nature's seasons..

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 ...a full moon...
...the waves on the ocean...

We long to make meaning through ritual, ceremony and traditions...
We long to trust our gut, intuition and innate knowing...
We long for joyful and creative expression for our life force...
We long for meaningful relationships and communities based in experiences of care, love, trust and touch...
And we occasionally long to be absorbed into the Cosmos through trance practices that sit withing the larger Trust Field...


And how do we keep choosing all this beauty, everyday, without bypassing our fears, frustrations, big joys and griefs?

We follow a spiritual path that encourages the bodily senses as gifts, our minds as tools of discernment, the soul as our value guide and our daily, sometimes mundane life, as the playing field.​
Welcome to the Tantric Householder Path

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